
Thank you to everyone who has left feedback and for those interested in leaving some kind works, please post a comment here. Thank you :)  

Doug Walker :
"The man is a dab hand indeed. Comes with the Bagger's rare and coveted SEAL OF APPROVAL."

"Great to see more people getting involved. Love your work so far One of the main reason i do it is to learn more techniques on photoshop too..."

Duncan :
"Excellent mate, I'm really pleased with it. It's now on my team page. Like the rubbish bin, and yes the motto is Latin for 'Still rubbish'. Thanks again."

Scarface :
"maan thats awesome! proper love it.. cheers... very impressed at the speed and quality!!"

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3 comments to "Feedback"

  • I love this guy's work its the best badge ive got ACE work m8 keep it up.

  • We are talking for the best ARTIST featuring FML stuff in the planet right now!


    All the badges ARE 100% accurate and excellent.

    I wish i had not one of my team and get one now from him :)

    But he got me one for the competition i want to establish!

    Thanks mate!

  • Guy is excellent at what he does
    Nothing more to say really
    Top Notch mate keep it up

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Rochester, Kent, United Kingdom
Age: 26
Programs Used: Photoshop 11.0


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